Today was Caleb and Megan's first baseball game. It all began at the lovely hour of 900am. We were up dressed and out the door by 830 this morning. I was so proud of Megan, she was really trying to get the ball. She even got really mad when the ball did not come to her. She would throw up her arms and say (yell) i want the ball. When she did get it she tried to get it to first base. Megan was able to hit off of the T, when she did she went in the right direction to 1st base. she was not afraid of the ball or the kids. She "ran" a few kids over who were in her way. I must say that I was quiet surprised at how competitive she was today. Let us see how next week goes. Way to go Megan.
Caleb's first game went very well also. His team name is the RiverCats. (his jersey is really cool looking). We were wondering how is team would do since this was the first year that any of the kids had played kid pitch. (Talk about nerve wracking). It was fun to see the kids that he has played ball with since tball and how far they have come. Caleb hit the ball 2 times and was walked a 3rd (due to getting beaned in the hip). He made it home all 3 times with a few stolen bases. His team won 18-3 (I think). I am so proud of Caleb as well, he was smiling from ear to ear. Way to go Caleb.